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Who I Am

My name is Divisha and I’m 10 years old. I live in Washington State, USA. I love writing which is one of the reasons why I started this blog. Poetry is one of my favorite styles of writing. One of my poems is published in the Amazon Kindle store called “We Will Not Fall Behind.” I really feel proud to say that I won the “Reflection Awards” in the category of literature when I was 8 years old among all the elementary kids in my school.
Another hobby I have is singing and dancing. I did my first solo singing performance in a Talent show when I was 5, in front of my entire elementary school, and to be honest that was a big stepping stone for me because I never had stage fright after that. I had done a live singing performance with an orchestra band when I was 6 in front of more than 500 people. Also, I was one of the finalists in the singing category of CRY America Superstar 2020 which was conducted across America. I have done many dancing performances too. I love solving puzzles, and I like to create puzzles and games for others too. I like to stretch my brain and try challenging things even if I am not able to do it, but I don’t like to give up on anything so easily. Reading is one of my other passions, and my day cannot end without me reading at least one book. Reading helps me learn new things, and figure out more about the world. Math is also pretty fun for me. Like I said before, I love stretching my brain a lot. When I was in second grade, I won third place in the Math Challenge tournament which is a National tournament held across all the 50 states of USA.
I love drawing too. I have created some pieces which my mom and dad love a lot and I plan to post it in my blog. I get inspiration from different drawings around the world and jam all those together to create my own piece.
I also love to play basketball, badminton and Minecraft. 

I really feel thankful and blessed to have a great family, teachers, and friends who always encourage me to do my best and I hope that I will be able to help and one day inspire others. Also, I hope that I will have more things to say about me in years to come.

Why I Started This Blog

I made my first blog when I was four and it was all about traveling. Yes, you read that right, I was just four :). When my school got closed due to COVID-19, I didn’t want to sit in home complaining about life. Well, I am just a 4th grader and I didn’t want to make my life too complicated by surrounding myself with negative thoughts and fearing the unknown, and as Dale Carnegie says, “It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.” I wanted to have a positive mindset because “happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” So I decided to do something beyond my regular everyday school work and started a new blog because I feel like I have many things to share with my friends, and what else can be a better way to stay connected to everyone than having my own blog where I can talk about many things happening around or discuss and express my views about a particular topic, and that way I can also do some research and learn to improve my own knowledge about that topic, and also help others who are reading my blog to learn more about it. As I said before, I love reading and that gives me the information and knowledge, but knowledge is potential power, execution is everything. And I wanted to execute my knowledge by putting it into practice and that’s why I started writing this blog, so that others can read and also get inspired by it and even create their own blogs.

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